Let's get you back to cutting!
It happens. Things break. It's part of using them. Good work. Really. Maybe it was the coconut over holiday break? Or it was the bottom of the sink? Knives get chipped. Knives get bent. And the tips can come off a knife too. There it went. It just came off. :) It's OK. Most of the time things can be tended to and fixed to work again.
Generally, kitchen knives can be repaired by reprofiling the edge. In basic terms this action is to remove and/or recut the shape of the knife away from the chips, and bends to create a high functioning and joyful cutting edge again.
You'll gain from being able to keep your knife and its stories and value to your kitchen. It is slightly more expensive to fix a knife with a significant chip in it than to sharpen one that doesn't. However, it'll be cheaper than buying a new one, save the environment because it's not in the garbage and it'll be safer again because it'll be sharp. Wins all around.
Chip, bends and twists repair
Chips show up when knives do things like hit the side of a cookie sheet or the bottom of the sink. They can chip in the drawer when they're sliding into other knives too. We'll remove an equivalent amount of material as the chip, bend or twist is deep or long across the whole blade to create a new cutting edge for you. Viola. Chips, bends and twists repaired.
Broken and bent tips
As much as we'd love for them to be easy or fixable, blade tips rarely bend back enough to be good as new. It's a tricky thing. We wish it were different. So, we generally cut a new blade tip. We'll approach the fix differently depending on whether the tip damage is to the top or bottom of the cutting edge of the blade and how severe it is. Either way, we'll adjust the arc of the blade to remove the broken tip and re-craft the blade shape before sending it back.
Out of service
As much as we'd love to fix everything we're not in a position to fix handles, highly flexible blades, or twists along the full length of the blade. Sorry.
Ready to sharpen and fix your knives? We are too. Order them sharp and fixed today.