Yu Kurosaki, a renowned member of the Takefu Knife Village blacksmiths, is well-known for his distinctive and pronounced tsuchime markings. His individual taste and flair is instantly observable in his works, capturing his youth, daringness and remarkable creative flair.
A Petty knife provides precise control for detail work such as boning, slicing shallots, and cutting herbs. Great for breaking down proteins when bones are not as involved.
SG2/R2 as the Core with a Stainless Steel San Mai construction makes up this blade with a unique to the Senko series "Flash" tsuchime pattern. SG2 is a premium Stainless Steel made using Powder Metallurgy, It now has several names including R2 as multiple manufactures are making it.
- Core SG2/R2
- Stainless San Mai Laminate
- Walnut Octagonal Wa Style with Buffalo Horn Ferrule
- Flash Tsuchime Pattern
- HRC 62-63
- Made in Takefu Knife Village Echizen, Japan