Makoto Kurosaki Ryusei Petty
Created in the renowned Takefu Knife Village, Makoto Kurosaki's shop is nestled beside his brother Yu Kurosaki's forge. Mentored by Hiroshi Kato, a leading figure in Japanese cutlery, both brothers have become highly respected in their respective fields, dare we say similar to the Kelce brothers in American football.
The Ryusei VG7 (Shooting Star) series from Makoto-san boasts a semi-stainless steel core and stainless cladding, accentuated by a cherry and red Pakkawood handle. Each piece is meticulously hand-engraved for a lovely, polished finish.
Product Details:
- Brand: Makoto Kurosaki
- Location: Echizen, Japan
- Sharpener: Makoto Kurosaki
- Line: Ryusei
- Shape: Petty
- Construction: San Mai laminate
- Core Steel: VG7 semi-stainless steel
- Cladding: Stainless steel
- Grind: 50/50
- Finish: Hairline (horizontal migaki)
- Blade Length: 150mm
- Overall Length: 272mm
- Spine: 2mm
- Blade Height: 28mm
- Weight: 75g
- HRC: 61-62
- Handle Type: Octagonal Wa
- Handle Material: Cherry body with red Pakkawood ferrule